hello there,

you’ve stumbled upon the diary of an angsty and gloomy 19 year old who’s prone to severe moodswings, bitchfits and life’s sad, pathetic, depressing moments. This is a collection of thoughts from my head, typed fastidiously onto this little blog and posted for anyone who cares to read it. I like to focus on the darker side of things.

Currently a student media and communication at singapore polytechnic. Prone to discomfort in crowded places or any social occasions. Likes hiding under covers on rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass. Wants to write and travel the world.

Facebook Jasmine Lim // Twitter @burritodiaries // Instagram @peppermintpanic
Vous êtes belles, mais vous êtes vides.
Sunday, June 23, 2013 @ Sunday, June 23, 2013
When I look at you, my mind goes somewhere vast. 
Years, maybe. 
A pure thought, undiluted by fear. 

I never worry when I'm with you, when your presence is right beside me.
5am in mcdonalds, sitting across from you with a medium green tea between us.
Talking about you, me, us, stupid things, important things, the past, the future.

We spent so much time wishing that the both of us had a little extra money to spare.
But nights like these are proof that you don't need money or material goods to be happy.

All you need is the right company.

Happy 11th month, Danial.
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