hello there,

you’ve stumbled upon the diary of an angsty and gloomy 19 year old who’s prone to severe moodswings, bitchfits and life’s sad, pathetic, depressing moments. This is a collection of thoughts from my head, typed fastidiously onto this little blog and posted for anyone who cares to read it. I like to focus on the darker side of things.

Currently a student media and communication at singapore polytechnic. Prone to discomfort in crowded places or any social occasions. Likes hiding under covers on rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass. Wants to write and travel the world.

Facebook Jasmine Lim // Twitter @burritodiaries // Instagram @peppermintpanic
Dreamer at heart.
Saturday, September 1, 2012 @ Saturday, September 01, 2012

Made a cup of milk tea.

I microwaved a glass of already hot water with a teabag submerged and of course, the whole thing bubbled over and made a mess in the microwave. I am a storm in the kitchen. Not the good kind of storm. I'm the bad kind, the kind that destroys everything.

But I fixed it.

So I've finally decided that I will not let this negativity overwhelm me and ruin what I have in front of me. Everytime I think of you, I get happy. Everyone needs a person they can count on who just knows when things are not okay. You're that person. And I know that you'll always do your best to get to what's eating away at my heart and then try to chase it away.

"Understand, that god wrapped you like a bow." 

I always have my back turned on tomorrow. I keep glancing back at the past, yours and mine. I know I shouldn't but the past has a greater pull than the future. I think it's because the past is real and all the future ever will be is a faraway possibility. But if you have a good imagination, anything can happen right?

I am ready for this, ready to take the bull by the horns (get it? *nudgenudge*). I know you're not ready to tell me what I want to hear but it's okay. I've never had much faith but I believe in this. And maybe you do deserve better than me, but you're still here. You picked me. So I am going to give you my best and love you as much as I possibly can.

That means less psychotics, less neuroticism, less anger, less jealousy.
A little more hope, more understanding, more control, more compromise.

I'm going to shed my troubles and worries.
Hold my breath and take a leap of blind faith.
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