hello there,

you’ve stumbled upon the diary of an angsty and gloomy 19 year old who’s prone to severe moodswings, bitchfits and life’s sad, pathetic, depressing moments. This is a collection of thoughts from my head, typed fastidiously onto this little blog and posted for anyone who cares to read it. I like to focus on the darker side of things.

Currently a student media and communication at singapore polytechnic. Prone to discomfort in crowded places or any social occasions. Likes hiding under covers on rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass. Wants to write and travel the world.

Facebook Jasmine Lim // Twitter @burritodiaries // Instagram @peppermintpanic
spout of thoughts.
Saturday, March 9, 2013 @ Saturday, March 09, 2013
The day started out sour and ended on a sweet note. 

I was sitting at the fountain at Bugis today while waiting for someone. There were so many adorable babies there with their parents. I really like those parents who don't mind me smiling and staring at their babies. I can't help it okay? I want kids. Plus they actually smile back at me. I love them, they're so friendly. 

So there were these two caucasian looking kids but their mom was asian so I'm just gonna assume they are mixed blooded like me (pinoy pride gahddamnit). So I was just looking at them because the baby girl was so freaking cute. The mom was holding her by her arms and trying to get her to walk. 

For some reason, I was so tempted to ask whether having kids was worth the pain of giving birth and of course, losing all your freedom and time. The obvious answer would be a yes, but I still really wanted to ask her. But of course, I didn't because I was shy. 

"This is what my life is right here," the mom suddenly said to me when her two kids were just crawling all over her. 

I laughed and told her that her kids were cute. She smiled and thanked me. 

Also, this malaysian/indonesian lady who was sitting beside me asked me for directions twice. I wondered if she understood anything I said and I hoped she got to where she wanted today. 

Interactions with strangers are refreshing. 

I wish I had more of them. 


Had balithai with him today. Then to the rooftop of the esplanade to listen to a jazzband and a heart to heart talk. Three hours of talking and listening to each other. After that it was off to mbs to stare at the city skyline for a while. We bought sashimi, finished it, lay flat on our backs and stared at the bare night sky. Held hands, kissed, breathed each other in. It's nights like these that remind me how really in love with him I am. 


So I took the last bus home and it was a double decker. I was the only passenger so I sat somewhere near the driver and kept glancing behind me because I though something was just gonna pop up from behind me. Nothing happened though. Wanted to say good night uncle to the bus driver cause it'd be a nice thing to hear when you're ending your shift. But I didn't.


Okay fuck, so I basically mutilated the flesh on my forearm because I was trying to get out a wooden splinter. It got stuck when I was mbs just now but I won't go into details. So because tweezers didn't help (I think it's in too deep), I decided to take a safety pin to poke and prod at it and possibly cut a way for the wood to get through and out from under my skin. After bleeding from the wound for a minute, it's still not out. I just washed it with water and soap so it won't get infected. 

I'm done, I'm just gonna leave it there to fester and rot. 

But no, seriously. I'm just gonna see what happens tomorrow. 


Sis just asked to me eat at Ikea with her tomorrow morning before she starts work and she's treating. Aw yeah, meatballs and chicken wings (: Then I'm going to fetch him from work at around 3pm. Wonder what I'm going to do till then. Maybe I'll bring a book and sit somewhere around botanic gardens to chill. 


I'm going to finish my roll of film already but I'll have to wait for my pay to go develop it. I'm so excited to see how the photos turn out. Even if they're bad, at least I'll know what they look like and what not to do next time. 
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