hello there,

you’ve stumbled upon the diary of an angsty and gloomy 19 year old who’s prone to severe moodswings, bitchfits and life’s sad, pathetic, depressing moments. This is a collection of thoughts from my head, typed fastidiously onto this little blog and posted for anyone who cares to read it. I like to focus on the darker side of things.

Currently a student media and communication at singapore polytechnic. Prone to discomfort in crowded places or any social occasions. Likes hiding under covers on rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass. Wants to write and travel the world.

Facebook Jasmine Lim // Twitter @burritodiaries // Instagram @peppermintpanic
City Lights
Saturday, September 29, 2012 @ Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sometimes I wish there was a manual for this. There probably is but it's probably full of bullshit. I've been reading up on this and it tells me that just because I argue with him a lot, it isn't real. I piss him off a lot and I get angry for the silliest reason but at the end of the day, I'm still willing to try. Truth is, I can't imagine it being anymore real without the fights. How do you love someone when the both of you are always happy? When things start to sour, that's when you see how people really are.

I want to grow accustomed to his idiosyncrasies and confidently tell people, "Oh, he's always like that one." I want to know him. Every scar. Every time his emotions get the better of him. Every time things get ugly between us. 

Spent a while by Singapore River on Wednesday. Heart to heart talk with him and it made everything better. Even though he's not the best at expressing himself, he always does his best at making me understand what he's trying to say. And I guess I got exactly what he was trying to say that night, even if he didn't tell me in the most obvious way. Thank you, Danial ♥

The first time I met him, I never thought he'd ever open up to me. Ever. 
But things change, things always change. 
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