hello there,

you’ve stumbled upon the diary of an angsty and gloomy 19 year old who’s prone to severe moodswings, bitchfits and life’s sad, pathetic, depressing moments. This is a collection of thoughts from my head, typed fastidiously onto this little blog and posted for anyone who cares to read it. I like to focus on the darker side of things.

Currently a student media and communication at singapore polytechnic. Prone to discomfort in crowded places or any social occasions. Likes hiding under covers on rainy days and the smell of freshly cut grass. Wants to write and travel the world.

Facebook Jasmine Lim // Twitter @burritodiaries // Instagram @peppermintpanic
Saturday, January 19, 2013 @ Saturday, January 19, 2013
I'm currently in Malaysia.

Late night car rides are so lovely. Especially in places where I can gaze into the distance. In Singapore, my vision is always obscured by buildings. Last night, I happened to glance skyward and I caught the most breathtaking sight ever.

The stars shine brighter away from the city.
And there were so many of them.
There are a lot of things I can appreciate when I'm in a car for 12 hours.

Looking at the sky, reaffirms my decision to move away from Singapore.
Maybe to somewhere I can see the sky at night.

I'm leaving tomorrow but then I'll be back here within the month for Chinese New Year.
Oh penang.
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